Cancer is an abnormal and uncontrollable growth of cells in body which also has ability to spread to other parts of body. Although genetics plays a very significant role in development of Cancer, unhealthy lifestyle also increases the risk multifold. Also, Body’s response to treatment also depends a lot on overall health status.
 Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020, or nearly 1 in 6 deaths. Although, with scientific advancements, we have been able to identify cure for many cancers, treatment is still very costly and out of pockets for common people. Also, there is always a risk off relapse. But good news is, Between 30-50% of all cancer cases are preventable. Prevention offers the most cost-effective long-term strategy for the control of cancers.

 Hence we should put all our focus on identifying cancer causing agents and risk factors and try to avoid them as much as possible. As in case of cancer we can really say “ Prevention is better than Cure “. Right from preservatives used in ketchups, cooling agents used in fridge, to floor mat in drawing room to baby talcum powder, there are hundreds of carcinogenic agents which we use in day to day life without knowing their effects on us.
 So through My Expert Doctor Videos and Blogs, we plan to provide you informations on

- What are carcinogens that are putting us on risk of cancer ?
- What alternatives of these carcinogens we can try ?
- What are food items which have anti carcinogenic activity ?
- How to identify whether we are at risk of cancer ?
- What activities can increase our chances of survival if we develop cancer ?
- Who are required to do regular cancer screening and how can it be Done ?
- Provide platform to cancer fighters and survivors if they want to share their
stories and motivate others
- Question and answer sessions where common questions and concerns from
viewers related Cancer Prevention will be addressed.
- Keeping you aware of all new updates related to cancer as its a rapidly evolving
field of science.