Nutrition is a process by which a living organism obtain and utilises food for growth, maintenance and overall wellbeing. At the most basic, nutrition is all about eating a regular, balanced diet on time in adequate quantity

Nutrition significantly affects our health in many ways :

- It provides energy necessary for bodily functions and physical ctivities
- It helps in growth and development of children and tissue and cells repair / maintenance in adults
- It boost our immune system which prevents and fight off from infections
- It influences body weight and metabolism hence play a crucial role in weight loss
/ weight gain mechanism
- Healthy nutrition can prevent many chronic inflammatory diseases like Diabetes,
obesity, heart diseases, cancer, arthritis etc.

- It improve cognitive function, memory, problem solving, mood.
- Keeps our digestive tract healthy

- Keeps our musculature and bone strength adequate
- Nutrition also affects hormonal balances hence play major role in fertility and period disturbances.
- Good nutrition delays signs of ageing and increase longevity 


Through our videos and blogs, we provide :

- Well-Researched, evidence-based information about nutrition and its effect on health.
- Explanation of complex concepts in east-to-understand manner

- Practical tips and advice on how to make healthier food choices, create balanced meal plans, and understand dietary labels.
- Discussion on how proper nutrition can positively affects various aspects of our lives
- Information about common misconception and myths related to nutrition, helping viewers make informed choices.
- Q & A sessions by answering questions of viewers related to nutrition and health
- Keeping you aware of all new updates related to nutrition and health as its a rapidly evolving field of science.